[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stI_kq1w2Io&w=800&h=450]
A photo collage of the city of Braşov in Transylvania, Romania.
Brasov is surrounded by excellent ski resorts like Busteni and it is a pride of Romanian tourism.
Watch the new series here:
Gheorghe Zamfir – Mociriţa cu Trifoi
Transilvanian Folk Music
Cristian Vasile – Nunuţo
All pictures in the video clip are owned by their respective owners.
Superbe imagini cu ….Brasovul meu iubt….!!!Mi-e dor de tine…!!!
Brasov a fost foarte froamos, i loved Brasov, sorry for my poor Romanian.Thank you for posting this.
@gabrielg01 Iavol main her.Danche son fur der burg.
Is that a Romanian name I wonder?! Maybe you should have a good look on the map and see that Brasov is right in the middle of ROMANIA … Oh, yeah, one more thing, maybe you should learn how to spell properly in the meantime. Thanks for your attention.
Vrei o lectie de istorie sau vrei sa fac haz de aberatiile pe care le scrii? Considerand ca m-am nascut si mi-am petrecut mai mult de jumatate din existenta in Romania si de asemenea am studiat filologie-istorie consider ca stiu mai multe despre istoria Romaniei decat un venetic care face comentarii stupide la adresa unei tari pe care, evident, n-o cunoaste! Grow up!
I Love You
I've been here. It's a great city.