[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAv5Hr3l8c0]
Music: Franz Liszt – Hungarian Rhapsody No.2 (Orchestra version)
As one of the most beautiful countries in Eastern Europe, Romania attracts millions of tourists each year with its scenic landscapes, unique culture and historically significant landmarks. There are so many great places to visit in Romania!
Airport Info HQ
0:06 1. Putna Monastery
0:23 2. Galbenu Lake
0:34 3. Medieval City of Sighisoara
1:10 4. Bigar Waterfall
1:35 5. Transfagarasan Road
1:46 6. Transylvania
1:52 7. Voronet Monastery
2:11 8. Vaser Valley and Mocanita Steam Train
2:34 9. Adamclisi Tropaeum Traiani
2:59 10. Rasnov Citadel
3:23 11. Sibiu
3:52 12. Sarmizegetusa Regia
3:59 13. Great Bucegi Sphinx
4:16 14. Bran – Dracula's Castle
4:46 15. Palace of the Parliament, Bucharest
5:11 16. Romanian Athenaeum, Bucharest
5:30 17. Palace of Justice, Bucharest
5:35 18. Central University Library of Bucharest
5:41 19. Mogosoaia Palace, Bucharest
5:46 20. Arch of Triumph, Bucharest
5:52 21. National Bank of Romania, Bucharest
6:10 22. Bears Cave
6:18 24. Danube Delta
6:48 25. Brasov
7:06 26. Constanta Casino
7:30 27. Barsana Monastery
7:42 28. Merry Cemetery
8:01 29. Timisoara
8:13 30. Rock Sculpture of Decebalus
8:30 31. Iasi
8:57 32. Vidraru Lake
9:09 33. Wild horses in the Danube Delta
9:24 34. Viscri, Transylvania
9:30 35. The Church of the Timiseni Village
9:36 36. Mamaia Beach Resort
10:05 37. Corvin Castle
10:24 38. Peles Palace
Wonderful video!Thanks for sharing.
Coloana infinitului poarta sărutului si masa tăceri where are
László Pesti
Erdély nem román!!!!!!!!!
attila kovács
the answer ?? where is daco civilization in Transylvania after 260 ?? there are no cemeteries …there is no single state until the sixth century until the Avar empire ./ for a short time the Hun Empire 440–453 /..the Avar empire collapses in the mid-800s …there is no Dac and Romanian civilization after that…from the 900's the Hungarian kingdom was established….and there is no Dac, and Romanian population … civilization….where are Daca and Romanesque cemeteries in the 9th. After century?where are the Dacians and Romanian castles …. .. churches,,,,,??where is the Dacian and the Romanian nobility ??Where are the Dacians and Romance citizenship ??where are the Dacians and the Romanian kings between 900 and 1920 ?? where are the Daci, and the Romanian cities, villages between 900 and 1920?hey do not even have Romanian names in Transylvania…….the Hungarian names are used … phonetically …. in romanian ….sorry, this is the truth .
Petre Lee
I love the Black Sea
sabin WEB
Frumoasa Tara 🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴
attila kovács
where is daco civilization in Transylvania after 260 ?? there are no cemeteries …there is no single state until the sixth century until the Avar empire ./ for a short time the Hun Empire 440–453 /..the Avar empire collapses in the mid-800s …there is no Dac and Romanian civilization after that…from the 900's the Hungarian kingdom was established….and there is no Dac, and Romanian population … civilization….where are Daca and Romanesque cemeteries in the 9th. After century?where are the Dacians and Romanian castles …. .. churches,,,,,??where is the Dacian and the Romanian nobility ??Where are the Dacians and Romance citizenship ??where are the Dacians and the Romanian kings between 900 and 1920 ?? where are the Daci, and the Romanian cities, villages between 900 and 1920?hey do not even have Romanian names in Transylvania…….the Hungarian names are used … phonetically …. in romanian ….sorry, this is the truth .
laith almashhdany
I love România so much
Zsolt Veress
False people are parade with other pens. Hungarian music, Hungarian landscapes. They do not know their original origin, they do not know their own history that they have always fled from the barbarian hordes. Prostitutes of history. They have nothing to do with the Dacians .-) Their greatest celebrated prominent historical personality is a goat shepherd who has been killed by Hungarian women, children and people in their sleep during the night of the night. This statue stands everywhere, next to a King Matthias statue.
Romania is amazing. If you love the Lakes (UK) you will be amazed and excited with Carpathia. Can anyone in Romania help me? I am looking for a map of the Muntii Cernei of Muntii Mehedinti around Herculanae. I have been several times and there are only waymarks unlike other mountains where great maps are available. The English just love maps and are lost without them! Please help!
George Oloieru
România is best- România este cea ma tare Iubesc Romania
Marian Soare
attila covacs Hungary is a shameful country whose citizens do not know their own language or their own traditions, Hungarians do not even know who they are, Hungary is presented only capital with a few swimming pools and blocks, nothing more, Romania is a very beautiful country, and if Transylvania is a part of Romania is because I want to be part of Romania and not of your country with a 100% Gypsy population, Hungarians do not try but to prove that you are envious of Romania, you can continue these racist works all your life, no one will pay attention and no one will pay attention, the world is full of crows like you who can only kill innocent people, steal all the foreigners that pass over to you through the country and to threaten them, you are some gypsies who smell basins and shit, nothing more!
Ionut Moisa
mesaj pentru patrioti .stiti ca am fost vanduti in 89 .datoria externa nu putem sa o mai acoperim cu aurul care a mai ramas si astia inca mai fura pe rupte din banii europeni , acesti europenii sunt patroni in romania si noi sclavi afara . nu mai avem nimic si voi visati ca avem o tara superba ? nu mai este a noastra itrebatil pe dragnea
Ionut Moisa
a ramas natura dar nu va preocupati o vinde la austrieci
Catherine Andree
amazing, thank you!!!
Molto bello, ho visto tre volte la Romania paese veramente bello, affascinante,
Andreas Uhlbrandt
Well, what can I say; al those bad news and bead reputation of Romania. I think Bucarest is very beautful and international city and you can see it´s old culture and atmosphere.
Of course Romania has it´s so called "not so nice history", like Ceacescu dynasty, but time heals and I can hope, one day they might call their royals to get back home.
Romania has all chances to get well and to get it´s economy incresin. Corruption is hard to stop, but which country wouldn´t be corruption free.
Valentin Simionescu
It is so nice to see your country. I will add to our "friend" Zolthan….where did he read all those informations. All that history lesson? Which history? Hungarian or…General history of the world? I ask just because…translating…hungarian people….Hunes = without country. Their own nation as a name HUNgary means literaly people without country. My question is: if you are without a country (in your far past) where you comming from??😁 don t say it now Hungary was borned in Transylvania. I ll gonna laugh. Romania as a country took this name indeed after we ve been ocupied by romans. And you know what? Thats part of owr beauty which you guys don t have it. We ve been here geograficaly in a conflict zone all the time. And people who wanted owr country…they couldn t take it with them. So they decided to stay here. Why? Because its so beautiful and rich country. No need to be racist Zoltan. Its not our fault because you guys hungarians from transylvania remained here. That means you liked in. So simple…then follow the rules. You can t say that Romania or a part of it belongs to hungary or to other some nations. Enough. You must understand Romania it is Romania and don t try to mess up the history. The real one. Your king Mattias was a good man. Borned from a 100% Romanian parents. The name given was a revelation. And an opportunity for as and for you to live in peace. You never get it and you ll never do. As long in your blood still is hate for all people around appart of hungarians. I have friends hungarians. Real hungarians. They are so fed up with those hungarians wich rise their voices just because have nothing good to do. They visited Romania so many times. And to people around they didn t talk in hungarian (in Arad for example). They were withnesses at some so rude local hungarians. Pretending thatthey don t know romanian and people have to order in hungarian language. They translated to me what they ve been talking in hungarian. Unbelievable. They swering entire Romanian nation just because we EXIST. We live…in THEIR country. Sad very sad. So mister Zoltan if i may say so…i can understand your hate if you just give us a verry good reason…why???
Valentin Simionescu
Sorry the previous message refers to mr attila kovacsz…something wich is so poor. You wearing Attilas the Hun name. Shame of you. He was you ancestor. And deffinetily was not comming from or borned in Transylvania. If you couldn t find proofs about dacians in transylvania its because you forefathers killed all or most of.
And for mister Zsolt as well just guys…keep calm and the mouth shut. You hate just because its your nature. You don t like to see others having something. You try to grabbed. And if you can t…then you hate and speak rubish . like you so many others. You grow up in this hate. This is the way you ve been educated. This is what you heard from parents friends and so on. Romania it is a latin country in a slavon sea. Even your language its a mixture. Face it. It is true. So…..if our sheperd has been killed by a hun women together with other childrens and womens…then you arw a nation of murderers and most barbarians. Don t say abaout a nation a thing. You don t know. And from where this thitst about romanian history??? Did you been in Romania to make researches for proof?? How comes that hungarian people dare to judge another countries?? Particulary Romania. For what?? Hungarian minority they decided to remain in Romania a long time ago. If they don t liked…they are free to go in " their mother country" if they feelll that. Untill then…..they live in ROMANIA. Obey romanian laws. Its like…i m comming in your house as a guest. You gave me all i need. But your house rule is that to take off my shoes cause they are mudy. And i ll say to you…i don t care. I like your house and now the living its mine. What you will do?? Think before make judgments. Use your btain.
Florin Panaite
Parcul Național Retezat. Peșteră bolii , cetatea Devei, mănăstirea Prislop, cetatea de colț, sarmisegetuza regia, primul furnal, furnalul de la govajdie, cheile cernei, lacul Cincis, drumul de marmura și mănăstirea de marmura, Băile Romane, pasul Valcan,castelul Corvinilor toate se afla în județul Hunedoara. Merita vizitate
in reality it only nice places
Gábor Bartha
Transylvania (Erdély) = Hungaria
Crina Andrei
There is a Romanian Rapsody… so, fuck off with your Hungarian Rapsody!!!
Sterian Burghelea
Many more things to visit also, like Bicazului gorge, Agapia monastery, the Red lake, just to name a few from Neamt county.
hunGAYria ne suge Pula with all their ancestors!!!
Thou Swell
Bran castle not really Dracula's castle.. he may have spent one or two nights there.. Check out Poenari fortress for one of Prince Vlad's real abodes..
Maverick 72 Maverick 72
Super pictures. Romania is beautiful .Fotografii minunate. România este frumoasă.
Maria Zeicanu
Doamne ce locuri frumoase avem,nu știm să le prețuim și să le lngrijim,muncim ca slugi ln tari străine ca sa putem vizita tara ,cine naiba a mai auzit,numai la romani se lntamplat asta,ești român și nu ați cunoști tara cu frumusețile și bogățiile ei.Te felicit pt. Video.Esti nemaipomenit,măcar prin foto cunosc și cei ce nu au posibilitate de a o cutreiera.
Ian Sparrow
Going there start of march
Malcolm x 2
Romania wonderful country…
Wonderful history.
Wonderful places.
Wonderful culture.
Good food.
I love all peaple Romania.
from algeria