[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzOuM8KvjzA&w=800&h=450]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4epuPXZPKg4 in limba romana
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4epuPXZPKg4 in limba romana
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C Christine
Foarte frumos ! Te iubesc,ARAD !
miriam amiramov
I live in arad but in israel hh
Raluca Lații
/:) ? Really? Arad is a romanian city ! NOT a HUNGARIAN city !!!!
Podróżnik Wysublimowany
Over 1000 years hungarian city. Only 100 Romanian
Raluca Lații
Podróżnik Wysublimowany
wikipedia is great site.
Ricardo Ferreira
Been there on erasmus Program and I LOVED IT and i miss ARAD SO MUCH!
F P K Gaming
Si ce vrei sa apara ? Stadion care mai un pic si cade ? :)) Mai bine filmam Șega .
Brave Heart
Thank you Mircea for this upload of wonderful Arad. I've seen Arad last June 2013. And you're right: I have to come back some day.
Bodea Adelina
Arad – cel mai tare ..scurt si la obiect ! 😡
Denis Dă doge GAMEPLAY
Eu sunt din arad 🙂
dezo kun
Thanks for this little film. I think this is the best one I've seen depicting Arad. By the way, got a video myself that was shot in romania, one of my adventure trips in Arad and through the carpates.
Nagyon elveztem…Köszi
Cea mai buna lucrare despre Arad…
mirrors dominyk
frumos ca te-ai gandit sa faci asa ceva
With a population of ~160,000, it is considered a city in every part of the world.
Carrie Black
Du-te de unde ai venit!!!
Remus Bujor
Superb video, ai tot respectul meu Mircea. Eu cred ca ai putea face si partea a -2-a …poti include stadionul, strandul, cetatea de la Lipova, shopping mall, cafenele pe bulevard, hotelul cContinental…pentru-ca strainul trebuie sa vada ca are si ''confort'' cred eu?!
Remus Bujor
Oricum pentru ceea ce ai facut …ai nota 10 🙂 FELICITARI!
Flavius Anghel
MULT mai frumos decat imi puteam imagina. Felicitari pentru clip!
dan balan
Foarte tare
Mircea Moisescu
pt toti ce nu citesc mai jos Fabrica ASTRA e emblema aradului fiind printre putinele din cele 37 intreprinderi din perioada interbelica cu decizie locala .( adica conducerea e la Arad fatza de toate celelalte care sunt un fel de francize ) aceasta fabrica produce un tramvai , nu o roleta un cablu sau un volan adica un produs finit TRAMVAIUL IMPERIO . acesta din punctul meu de vedere este o mare realizare.Eu ma mandresc cu el . Scopul filmului e de a arata tot ce avem mai bun ,asa se promoveaza ceva
oli bairam
ce frumos e orasul meu..mi-e dor de Arad 🙁
Huba Csongor Melegh Rocha
Nice video. But why doesn't it mention more the hungarians? The most important historical buildings were built by them. Why it only mentions the habsburg empire and nothing about hungarian kingdom. As I know Transyilvania was a principality under the hungarian kingdom during almost one thousand years, till recent 1920.
Claudia Iuga-Quaternion Band&Filarmonica de Stat Arad
Gabby G
Superb!!! Multumim pt videoclip/prezentare! Missing this beautiful city now….greetings to all!
Gabriela V.
Realitatea cruda este ca multe cladiri de patrimoniu sunt in paragina se prabusesc sub ochii politicienilor si nu fac nimic. Dar cand trebuie sa se mandreasca hop scot asul din maneca cu patrimoniul. Este rusinos. Sa nu mai vorbesc ca spatiile verzi sunt pe cale de disparitie in Arad daca compari si din clip pozele vechi cu filmarile actulale te sperii.
Serafima Zabela
My beloved boyfriend is from this city. Have my gratitude and respect for your beautiful son, city and citizens of Arad!
p.s. I am learning Romanian and coming over soon. <3
Zsolt Torok
Arad is my city built by Hungarians and is going to be detroyed by Romanians.
iuly 12
si de Istoria noastră a României o aruncam la alți..ofof